10 Other Ways to Say “Eager to Learn” on a Resume

When crafting a resume, it’s important to show that you’re not just looking for any job, but that you’re eager to learn and grow. However, “eager to learn” is a phrase many people use. To stand out, you might consider using different words that say the same thing.

This article lists 10 alternative phrases you can use on your resume to catch an employer’s attention.

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Is “Eager to Learn” a Good Resume Phrase?

Yes, “eager to learn” is a good phrase to use on a resume. It shows that you are willing to gain new skills and knowledge. This phrase is particularly useful in situations where the job you’re applying for requires you to adapt and learn quickly. Jobs in fast-changing industries like technology or marketing are perfect examples.

Here is how you might use it in a sentence:

Eager to learn new technologies, I'm always updating my skills through online courses and workshops.

The pros and cons of using this phrase on your resume include:



While “eager to learn” is a strong phrase, someone might want to use an alternative to stand out from other candidates. Alternatives can provide a fresh way of expressing this eagerness without using the same words that many others do. Using synonyms or alternative phrases can also allow you to tailor your resume more closely to the specific job description and company culture.

10 Other Ways to Say “Eager to Learn” on a Resume

Finding different ways to say “eager to learn” can help your resume stand out. Here are 10 common alternatives that convey the same enthusiasm for learning:

  1. Keen to develop
  2. Enthusiastic about gaining knowledge
  3. Committed to professional growth
  4. Passionate about personal development
  5. Open to new experiences
  6. Ready to acquire new skills
  7. Actively seeking learning opportunities
  8. Zealous learner
  9. Avid for new knowledge
  10. Desire to enhance capabilities

1. Keen to develop

This alternative to “eager to learn” is slightly more formal and implies not only a willingness to learn but also an eagerness to grow professionally. It suggests a proactive stance toward personal and career development. This alternative is excellent for portraying an image of someone who is not just looking to learn but to advance and make meaningful progress in their career.

We recommend this phrase for professionals applying for roles where continuous improvement and self-development are highly valued.

Here are two examples:

Keen to develop new strategies, I regularly attend industry seminars.
As someone keen to develop, I've taken additional courses to improve my expertise.

2. Enthusiastic about gaining knowledge

This phrase reflects a lively and spirited interest in learning. It’s less formal than “eager to learn,” making it suitable for environments that appreciate candidness and vitality. It expresses a genuine excitement for acquiring new knowledge, emphasizing the joy and interest in the learning process itself.

This synonym is best used when applying for innovative or creative positions that encourage curiosity and a proactive attitude toward learning.

Here are a couple of samples:

I am enthusiastic about gaining knowledge on the latest design software to enhance my skills.
My enthusiasm about gaining knowledge led me to attend a series of workshops on digital marketing.

3. Committed to professional growth

This phrase indicates a serious and dedicated approach to learning, with a focus on career advancement. It is more professional and suited for resumes aiming to highlight a long-term investment in skill and career development. This alternative showcases not just a desire to learn but a commitment to turning learning into professional success.

This phrase is ideal for environments where long-term commitment and career progression are highly regarded.

Here are two examples:

Committed to professional growth, I often seek feedback to refine my skills and performance.
With a strong commitment to professional growth, I have consistently sought leadership roles to expand my skill set.

4. Passionate about personal development

This version carries a strong emotional weight, suggesting that the learning process is deeply ingrained in the individual’s values. It is less formal and more emotionally expressive, suitable for roles that value personal initiative and self-motivation. This phrase serves to paint the candidate as not just looking for any learning opportunity but deeply interested in evolving on a personal level.

We recommend this synonym for positions that value personal drive and motivation for self-improvement.

I am passionate about personal development, constantly seeking out new authors and thinkers to inspire my growth.
Being passionate about personal development, I have attended multiple personal effectiveness workshops.

5. Open to new experiences

This phrase suggests a readiness and willingness to embrace new challenges and learning opportunities. It’s a bit more informal, portraying a flexible and adventurous spirit. This synonym is fantastic for conveying openness to diverse learning opportunities, not just formal education or training.

This phrase fits well in creative or dynamic fields where adaptability and enthusiasm for diverse experiences are key.

Open to new experiences, I volunteered for projects outside of my direct role to better understand all aspects of the business.
My career path demonstrates an openness to new experiences, with roles in multiple industries enriching my skill set.

6. Ready to acquire new skills

This alternative is straightforward and focuses on the practical aspect of learning—skill acquisition. It’s professional and to the point, making it clear that the candidate is all about tangible outcomes. This choice is perfect for individuals looking to highlight their pragmatic approach towards personal and professional development.

This phrase works best in contexts where skills and competencies are at the forefront of what an employer seeks.

I am always ready to acquire new skills, which is why I have certifications in both software development and project management.
My strategy for career success includes being ready to acquire new skills regularly through online learning platforms.

7. Actively seeking learning opportunities

This phrase emphasizes action and initiative in the pursuit of learning. It’s more formal and suggests not just a passive openness to learning but an active search for opportunities to grow. It’s perfect for conveying a proactive attitude towards learning and development. This alternative radiates intentionality and the desire to take charge of one’s professional development.

Suitable for roles that require initiative and self-direction, this phrase indicates the candidate’s proactive approach.

Actively seeking learning opportunities, I have participated in various leadership programs to enhance my management skills.
In my quest for excellence, I am always actively seeking learning opportunities that will push my capabilities further.

8. Zealous learner

The term “zealous” adds a layer of enthusiasm and eagerness, portraying a very passionate and intense desire for learning. It’s slightly less formal but very powerful in conveying deep commitment and energy towards personal development. This synonym is excellent for expressing a fervent interest in absorbing as much knowledge as possible.

This alternative is especially compelling for creative or innovative fields where passion and deep engagement are highly valued.

As a zealous learner, I immerse myself fully in new projects to gain a comprehensive understanding.
My role as a mentor showcases my nature as a zealous learner, always eager to both share and gain insights.

9. Avid for new knowledge

This phrase implies a strong, enthusiastic desire for new information and understanding. It combines a sense of enthusiasm with a hunger for knowledge, making it slightly less formal but highly expressive regarding the desire to learn. This synonym is great for indicating not just willingness but a deep craving for learning.

This alternative shines in roles where continual learning is not just encouraged but required for success.

As someone avid for new knowledge, I regularly attend industry conferences to stay ahead of trends.
I have a blog where I share insights and learnings, a testament to being avid for new knowledge.

10. Desire to enhance capabilities

This phrase is straightforward and focuses more on the outcome of learning—enhanced capabilities. It is more professional and highlights a direct intention to grow in skills and effectiveness. This alternative is best for emphasizing a strategic approach to personal and professional development, focusing on specific goals.

Particularly effective for technical or specialized roles, this phrase signals a clear goal-oriented mindset toward learning.

My desire to enhance capabilities led me to complete a certification in advanced data analysis.
With a desire to enhance capabilities, I engage in continuous learning activities, both online and in-person.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right words for your resume can make a big difference in catching an employer’s eye. Using alternatives to “eager to learn” helps you stand out and shows you’ve put thought into how you present yourself. Each option we’ve discussed has its unique flavor, suitable for various professional settings and job descriptions.

Slava Velikiy, CEO of Rontar and GainRep, has over 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship, project management, and software development. Passionate about innovation and solving real-world problems, he shares his insights on entrepreneurship, leadership, and technology.